Mar 31, 2011

Electronics & Software

Some time ago we received the first batch of coil cards for the TC2 loom: Once the first card was hooked up to a computer, it was checked through a number of tests.
The test design was to lift one single heddle, the same one for each new shed. Remember: The communication is WIRELESS! Magic!!!
We waited in deep consentration to see if  the heddle would respond. It not only did,  we could actually HEAR the valve closing with a barely audible little click! I tried to tape the sound, but the noice cancelleation removed it! 
Once the cards were OK'ed, the software could be developed a few steps further: When a file is ready to weave, it initially contains 2 colors (for example red + white) to describe the lifted or lowered WARP ends. In order to check that your weft colors are assigned to the correct picks, it can be useful to add colors to the point paper design: Now Loom Control can open such muli-colored files!

Another piece of good news is that the Loom Control program can run under Linux!

The TC2 may actually also be controlled from  an IPAD (or similar) - but it will have to wait until the fall. How cool  would it be to have the Ipad on the front of the TC2, at eye-level!

1 comment:

  1. exciting to watch this grow and see your progress. Love the iPad idea and the wirelessness.
